
Interested in advertising at FRANKIE IFOP COLLECTIONS?

FRANKIE IFOP COLLECTIONS is the best blog that delivers all the latest news across the world.
Our news are based on Fashion and Lifestyle. We also vent into the Entertainment industry, a little of Circular News, Celebrities, Gossips, People, Photography, Media including Music and Videos, Movies, Technology, Recipes, Religion, Romance, Sports, Science  and Environment.
We never fail, we trust our users, therefore, we try to give our best in the form you'll be able to access easily and speedily across all devices and platforms. . We offer our visitors some unique features, which keep them returning again and again. We receive every day dozens of emails with price inquires and even orders from visitors.

Special offers for internet stores

What is included:

- 2,000,000 banner (728x90 pixels) impressions

- 2,000,000 button (125x125 pixels) impressions

- Text links on the phone pages
Email us for price availability

- 2,000,000 banner (728x90 pixels) impressions

- 2,000,000 button (125x125 pixels) impressions

- 1,000,000 skyscraper (120x600 pixels) impressions

- Text links on the phone pages
Email us for price availability

Other options
You need advertising, but our standard offers is not quite what you are looking for? If you need more aggressive advertising or if you want to advertise on a specific part of FRANKIE IFOP COLLECTIONS, or if you want to offer us some kind of affiliation just send us an email through