Breaking news...
Policemen harasses corp members in Zaki-biam Ukum Local government, Benue state.
Corp members obeying their clarion's call by observing the end of the month's sanitation exercise on Saturday 29th of August 2015, whereby a corp member wearing his uniform was beaten to stupor simply because he told the policemen at the checkpoint that he was late for sanitation, but didn't adhere to his explanation rather than beating him with guns.
Corp members who had finished their community services by cleaning up their environment got the information and headed straight to the police station whereby corp members were sprayed teargas as they asked to see their colleague who was handcuffed and thrown at the back of the counter asking him to sit on the floor like a criminal...
If the saying says "a policeman is your friend" but yet the people of the community are not protected by those we claim to be our friends, so who do v trust, whom do we go to, when the town is i crises, simply because if corp members of Ukum local government zaki-biam are been treated like animals whereby been sprayed teargas and corp members are fainting then guess we are not safe from the people who we claim to be our friends.
Please these issue needs to be addressed.
Thank you Sir.
Kindly repost...